Friday, April 4, 2008

Panic at the First Blast.

I had the first blast
of not knowing what to say
to You

I enjoyed
that You
are no better than

There's nothing much to say
but this Me
keeps jumping up and down
having a blast
of looking into you.

is staring at Me.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The New Job.

The New Job.

A lot of you, my friends, have been asking me - hows the new job like? At this point of time, this marvellous oil drawing of mine explains it best..

In the new job, there're a lot of excitement, hope, interest, challenges, perhaps a serene ending, but not without a confusing and overwhelming start, ghost stories, new faces, new friends, and shadows of imbalanced expectations.

Haha - Tu la sapa suruh sms berkilo2... heheh.
Whatever it is, as Sarimah cutely puts it (everytime), chai-freaking-yok!